Featured Bed and Breakfast Inn
Australian Walkabout Inn
837 Village Rd.
Lancaster PA 17602
Local Phone 717-464-0707
Toll Free
Lancaster County, click on a city to display local inns
About Lancaster County Bed and Breakfast
You can find your unique Lancaster County town or country lodging on this site. Nestled in South Central Pennsylvania, the rolling green hills of Lancaster County offer many perfect lodgings for you. Here, historic and cultural traditions exist together with the modern conveniences. Family-owned special lodgings in Lancaster County offer you quiet, relaxed, and personal attention for your special times or business travels.
Our website provides you an extensive listing of guesthouses, farm stays, bed & breakfasts, or small inns. Each home has a distinctive historic architecture, style and regional character, with hosts offering personal hospitality, helpful services and meals made with care. You can search this site by county locations, then you can focus your search by availability dates and desired amenities. Don't forget to look for yummy recipes, as well as seasonal specials or discounts that may apply.
Lancaster County is your travelling destination, your quiet get-away, your relaxed business stay… whether you enjoy theater productions, regional Amish or fine dining, local crafts shopping, playing a round of golf, or just relaxing with that porch garden view.
Wilkum…how may we help you enjoy our home?.